Who We Are

We are here not for income, but for outcome

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Donate Blood & Save a Life

Pellentesque lacinia urna eget luctus faucibus. Sus
pendisse potenti. Morbi accumsan, arcu et feugiat hen
drerit, odio quam egestas risus, tincidunt gravida est
risus ut enim.


What Our Donors Over the World Are Saying

Pankaj Modani

Chartered Accountant

My heart throbs at this cause. I feel blessed at just the thought that I can play my role here.

Pankaj Modani
Pankaj Modani

Through Rebirth, if I become instrumental in saving even one life, I would feel my purpose is served.

Rajesh Shetty
Rajesh ShettyOwner, Naivedyam Restaurant

To work for a social cause is what my heart lies in.

Ganesh Bakale
Ganesh BakaleHotel Management Consultant

Donate Today to Save Children From the Trauma of Abuse