One : Many

Our introduction to the concept was in the grammar class. “‘One’ is for singular. ‘Many’ is for plural.” Almost immediately, we applied this in every opportunity that we saw. As we grew older, our scope of learning became complex and so the usage. Nevertheless, the application always stood correct.
In the run of life, what we seem to forget is ourselves.

Why do we tend to not see ourselves as an epicentre for plurals?!

For us at ReBirth, B.O.Y. 2.0 is that opening… to see the effect of one-to-many!

Mangaluru welcomed us in the most special way, only to continue the showers of blessings today. If B.O.Y. 2.0 was at a temple yesterday, today it was destined to visit a church. “One God. Many forms”!

Coordinators of Jeevansarthakathe – Ms Laveena and Ms Padmavathi – have helped organise a largecongregation at a church. Approximately, 1200 people have gathered to honour Kaka for being an organ donor at the Nature Convention Programme. The highlight of the event isn’t just the podium felicitation. Kaka is escorted to the church with a convoy of about 1000 people – some are in cars following Kaka’s bike while the rest have formed a human walking train leading him to the church. It is a sight to behold! A microphone leads the convoy announcing the noble deed.

Kaka is then scheduled for back-to-back interviews for different media. News Karnataka, a TV channel, is recording an interview with Mr Lal Goel (Chairman, Organ Donation India Foundation). Also present here are Ms Laveena and Ms Padmavathi (Coordinators, Jeevasarthakathe), Mr N V Paulose (Chairman, Global TV), and Mr Rajesh Kumar Shetty (Mangaluru Host, B.O.Y.2.0).

After wrapping up the television interview, Kaka is rushed for a print interview with the Deccan Herald newspaper. Jeevansarthakathe coordinators have ensured that B.O.Y. 2.0 is spoken about at as many avenues as possible.

The ratio of ‘One to Many’ comes into play again today.

One God is manifesting in many forms.

One event is being covered in many ways.

One piece of news is fed to people through many senses.

One cause is being supported by many teams.

One man is representing many hopes.

One ripple is set to cause many waves.

May ReBirth’s one initiative reach as many people as possible!

Day 008
Mangaluru, Karnataka

– Juhi Kothari  / Shetty

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